PHILIPS LED Classic E27 WarmGlow Lampe, 60 W, Tropfenform, dimmbar, matt, warmweiß

Über diese Cookie-Richtlinie.

Diese Cook­ie-Richtlin­ie erk­lärt, was Cook­ies sind und wie wir sie ver­wen­den. Sie soll­ten diese Richtlin­ie lesen, um zu ver­ste­hen, was Cook­ies sind, wie wir sie ver­wen­den, welche Arten von Cook­ies wir ver­wen­den, d. H. Welche Infor­ma­tio­nen wir mith­il­fe von Cook­ies sam­meln und wie diese Infor­ma­tio­nen ver­wen­det wer­den und wie die Cook­ie-Ein­stel­lun­gen ges­teuert wer­den. Weit­ere Infor­ma­tio­nen darüber, wie wir Ihre per­sön­lichen Dat­en ver­wen­den, spe­ich­ern und schützen, find­en Sie in unseren Daten­schutzbes­tim­mungen.

Sie kön­nen Ihre Zus­tim­mung jed­erzeit von der Cook­ie-Erk­lärung auf unser­er Web­site ändern oder wider­rufen.
Erfahren Sie in unser­er Daten­schutzrichtlin­ie mehr darüber, wer wir sind, wie Sie mit uns Kon­takt aufnehmen kön­nen und wie wir per­so­n­en­be­zo­gene Dat­en ver­ar­beit­en.
Ihre Zus­tim­mung gilt für fol­gende Domains:

Was sind Cookies?

Cook­ies sind kleine Text­dateien, in denen kleine Infor­ma­tio­nen gespe­ichert wer­den. Die Cook­ies wer­den auf Ihrem Gerät gespe­ichert, wenn die Web­site in Ihren Brows­er geladen wird. Diese Cook­ies helfen uns dabei, die Web­site ord­nungs­gemäß zu funk­tion­ieren, die Web­site sicher­er zu machen, eine bessere Benutzer­erfahrung zu bieten, die Leis­tung der Web­site zu ver­ste­hen und zu analysieren, was funk­tion­iert und wo Verbesserun­gen erforder­lich sind.

Wie verwenden wir Cookies?

Wie die meis­ten Online­di­en­ste ver­wen­det unsere Web­site Cook­ies von Erstan­bi­etern und Drit­tan­bi­etern für eine Rei­he von Zweck­en. Die Erstan­bi­eter-Cook­ies sind meis­tens erforder­lich, damit die Web­site ord­nungs­gemäß funk­tion­iert, und sie sam­meln keine Ihrer per­so­n­en­be­zo­ge­nen Dat­en.

Die auf unseren Web­sites ver­wen­de­ten Cook­ies von Drit­tan­bi­etern wer­den haupt­säch­lich ver­wen­det, um zu ver­ste­hen, wie die Web­site funk­tion­iert, wie Sie mit unser­er Web­site inter­agieren, unsere Dien­ste sich­er zu hal­ten, für Sie rel­e­vante Wer­bung bere­itzustellen und Ihnen ins­ge­samt eine bessere und verbesserte zu bieten Benutzer­erfahrung und beschle­u­ni­gen Sie Ihre zukün­fti­gen Inter­ak­tio­nen mit unser­er Web­site.

Welche Arten von Cookies verwenden wir?

Die auf unser­er Web­site ver­wen­de­ten Cook­ies sind in fol­gende Kat­e­gorien unterteilt.

In der fol­gen­den Liste sind die auf unser­er Web­site ver­wen­de­ten Cook­ies aufge­führt.
viewed_cookie_policyThe cook­ie is set by the GDPR Cook­ie Con­sent plu­g­in and is used to store whether or not user has con­sent­ed to the use of cook­ies. It does not store any per­son­al data.
cook­ielaw­in­fo-check­box-nec­es­saryThis cook­ie is set by GDPR Cook­ie Con­sent plu­g­in. The cook­ies is used to store the user con­sent for the cook­ies in the cat­e­go­ry “Nec­es­sary”.
cook­ielaw­in­fo-check­box-non-nec­es­saryThis cook­ie is set by GDPR Cook­ie Con­sent plu­g­in. The cook­ies is used to store the user con­sent for the cook­ies in the cat­e­go­ry “Non Nec­es­sary”.
Non Nec­es­sary
test_cookieThe test_cookie is set by and is used to deter­mine if the user’s brows­er sup­ports cook­ies.
CNo descrip­tion
TPCNo descrip­tion
Goog­leAd­Serv­ingTestNo descrip­tion
KTPCACOOKIEThe cook­ie, set by Pub­Mat­ic, reg­is­ters a unique ID that iden­ti­fies a return­ing user’s device across web­sites that use the same ad net­work. The ID is used for tar­get­ed ads.
DSIDThis cook­ie is set by Dou­bleClick to note the user’s spe­cif­ic user iden­ti­ty. It con­tains a hashed/encrypted unique ID.
CMIDCasale Media sets this cook­ie to col­lect infor­ma­tion on user behav­ior, for tar­get­ed adver­tis­ing.
CMPSCMPS cook­ie is set by Casale­Me­dia for anony­mous user track­ing based on user’s web­site vis­its, for dis­play­ing tar­get­ed ads.
uuid2The uuid2 cook­ie is set by App­Nexus and records infor­ma­tion that helps in dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing between devices and browsers. This infor­ma­tion is used to pick out ads deliv­ered by the plat­form and assess the ad per­for­mance and its attribute pay­ment.
CMPROCMPRO cook­ie is set by Casale­Me­dia for anony­mous user track­ing, and for tar­get­ed adver­tis­ing.
CMSTCasale Media sets this cook­ie to col­lect infor­ma­tion on user behav­ior, for tar­get­ed adver­tis­ing.
anjApp­Nexus sets the anj cook­ie that con­tains data stat­ing whether a cook­ie ID is synced with part­ners.
CMRUM3CMRUM3 cook­ie is set by Casale­Me­dia for anony­mous user track­ing based on user’s web­site vis­its, for dis­play­ing tar­get­ed ads.
rlas3RLCDN sets this cook­ie to pro­vide users with rel­e­vant adver­tise­ments and lim­it the num­ber of ads dis­played.
pxrcThis cook­ie is set by pip­pio to pro­vide users with rel­e­vant adver­tise­ments and lim­it the num­ber of ads dis­played.
uuidMedia­Math sets this cook­ie to avoid the same ads from being shown repeat­ed­ly and for rel­e­vant adver­tis­ing.
KADUSERCOOKIEThe cook­ie, set by Pub­Mat­ic, reg­is­ters a unique ID that iden­ti­fies a return­ing user’s device across web­sites that use the same ad net­work. The ID is used for tar­get­ed ads.
abOwned by agkn, this cook­ie is used for tar­get­ing and adver­tis­ing pur­pos­es.
IDEGoogle Dou­bleClick IDE cook­ies are used to store infor­ma­tion about how the user uses the web­site to present them with rel­e­vant ads and accord­ing to the user pro­file.
mcQuantserve sets the mc cook­ie to anony­mous­ly track user behav­iour on the web­site.
idSet by Google Dou­bleClick, this cook­ie is used to cre­ate user pro­files to dis­play rel­e­vant ads.
mda­taThis cook­ie is used by Media Inno­va­tion group and reg­is­ters a unique ID to iden­ti­fy a vis­i­tor on their revis­it, in order to show them rel­e­vant ads.
ovThis cook­ie is set by the provider This cook­ie is used for serv­ing the user with rel­e­vant con­tent and adver­tise­ment.
_gaThe _ga cook­ie, installed by Google Ana­lyt­ics, cal­cu­lates vis­i­tor, ses­sion and cam­paign data and also keeps track of site usage for the site’s ana­lyt­ics report. The cook­ie stores infor­ma­tion anony­mous­ly and assigns a ran­dom­ly gen­er­at­ed num­ber to rec­og­nize unique vis­i­tors.
_gidInstalled by Google Ana­lyt­ics, _gid cook­ie stores infor­ma­tion on how vis­i­tors use a web­site, while also cre­at­ing an ana­lyt­ics report of the website’s per­for­mance. Some of the data that are col­lect­ed include the num­ber of vis­i­tors, their source, and the pages they vis­it anony­mous­ly.
_gat_gtag_UA_190007726_2Set by Google to dis­tin­guish users.
__gadsThe __gads cook­ie, set by Google, is stored under Dou­bleClick domain and tracks the num­ber of times users see an advert, mea­sures the suc­cess of the cam­paign and cal­cu­lates its rev­enue. This cook­ie can only be read from the domain they are set on and will not track any data while brows­ing through oth­er sites.
uidThis is a Google UserID cook­ie that tracks users across var­i­ous web­site seg­ments.
CONSENTYouTube sets this cook­ie via embed­ded youtube-videos and reg­is­ters anony­mous sta­tis­ti­cal data.
uThis cook­ie is used by Bomb­o­ra to col­lect infor­ma­tion that is used either in aggre­gate form, to help under­stand how web­sites are being used or how effec­tive mar­ket­ing cam­paigns are, or to help cus­tomize the web­sites for vis­i­tors.
na_tcThe na_tc cook­ie is used to rec­og­nize the vis­i­tor upon re-entry. It allows to record details on user behav­iour and facil­i­tate the social shar­ing func­tion pro­vid­ed by
na_idThe na_id is set by AddThis to enable shar­ing of links on social media plat­forms like Face­book and Twit­ter.
ouidAsso­ci­at­ed with the AddThis wid­get, this cook­ie helps users to share con­tent across var­i­ous net­work­ing and shar­ing forums.
na_rnThe na_rn cook­ie is used to rec­og­nize the vis­i­tor upon re-entry. It allows to record details on user behav­iour and facil­i­tate the social shar­ing func­tion pro­vid­ed by
na_srThe na_sr cook­ie is used to rec­og­nize the vis­i­tor upon re-entry. It allows to record details on user behav­iour and facil­i­tate the social shar­ing func­tion pro­vid­ed by
na_srpThe na_srp cook­ie is used to rec­og­nize the vis­i­tor upon re-entry. It allows to record details on user behav­iour and facil­i­tate the social shar­ing func­tion pro­vid­ed by
na_sc_eThe na_sc_e cook­ie is used to rec­og­nize the vis­i­tor upon re-entry. It allows to record details on user behav­iour and facil­i­tate the social shar­ing func­tion pro­vid­ed by
dQuantserve sets this cook­ie to anony­mous­ly track infor­ma­tion on how vis­i­tors use the web­site.

Wie kann ich die Cookie-Einstellungen steuern?

Sie kön­nen Ihre Cook­ie-Ein­stel­lun­gen ver­wal­ten, indem Sie auf die Schalt­fläche “Ein­stel­lun­gen” klick­en und die Cook­ie-Kat­e­gorien im Pop­up entsprechend Ihren Ein­stel­lun­gen aktivieren oder deak­tivieren.

Wenn Sie Ihre Ein­stel­lun­gen später während Ihrer Browser­sitzung ändern möcht­en, kön­nen Sie auf Ihrem Bild­schirm auf die Reg­is­terkarte “Daten­schutz- und Cook­ie-Richtlin­ien” klick­en. Dadurch wird der Zus­tim­mung­sh­in­weis erneut angezeigt, sodass Sie Ihre Ein­stel­lun­gen ändern oder Ihre Ein­willi­gung voll­ständig wider­rufen kön­nen.

Darüber hin­aus bieten ver­schiedene Brows­er unter­schiedliche Meth­o­d­en zum Block­ieren und Löschen von Cook­ies, die von Web­sites ver­wen­det wer­den. Sie kön­nen die Ein­stel­lun­gen Ihres Browsers ändern, um die Cook­ies zu block­ieren / löschen. Weit­ere Infor­ma­tio­nen zum Ver­wal­ten und Löschen von Cook­ies find­en Sie unter,

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